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Sheep Shearing

Join us for the Winter 2024 Sheep Shearing
November 23rd, 2024 | 10:00am - 12:00pm
@ Critter Barn
Sheep Shearing 2024
Join us for this Age Old Tradition
Meet Timothy Wright and watch him shear off the woolen fleece from Critter Barn's sheep.
Shearing is done once a year so be sure to save the date and join the fun!
Critter Barn's New Farm | 2950 80th Ave. | Zeeland, MI | 49464 ​​
Critter Barn's sheep shearing event is included in your admission to the farm
Sheep Shearing FAQ:
Why are sheep shorn when it’s cold? Will they be cold?
Shearing leaves about 1/4 inch of wool on the sheep, so they feel like they’re wearing flannel pajamas. We also keep them in the barn, on lots of dry bedding if the weather turns bad.
But why does this happen now?
Sheep are fall breeders and are pregnant for 5 months. Bred in the months that end with R (Sept-Oct-Nov) they lamb in January, February, and March and are shorn 4 to 6 weeks prior to lambing. If Shepherds have lambs on pasture (no barns), they breed their ewes to lamb in May.
Why is that important?
Lambs will look for mother’s milk, so instead of grabbing dirty belly wool, they will find her milk. Lambs will feel the body heat from the mother ewe if the wool is off, which helps in bonding. Critter Barn lambs will start appearing in January!